Most people never move heavy furniture at all. If we do, it is usually by sliding it on the ground a few feet from the corner of a room to another corner in the very same room. Actually lifting a large, heavy piece of furniture and taking it to a moving van is something most people’s bodies are simply not used to doing. Even for the very strong and physically fit among us, the knowledge of efficient and safe moving best practices is not common sense.
Moving heavy furniture without damaging it or yourself is possible for the novice, but you should take these three tips into consideration before you attempt it.
- When it comes to moving storage items like dresser drawers, it is very tempting to try to move them with all their contents still contained inside. We all want to cut a few corners and in some cases that is actually fine to do, but on a more ambitious move with long distances to travel, large amounts of stuff to move, and complicated terrain such as stairs to navigate, it just makes sense to empty out those drawers. It will reduce the weight you have to carry and improve the balance so it is easier to handle.
- All the moving parts of heavy furniture should be made to stay in a closed, stationary position. Not only will this contribute to improving the balance of the furniture, it will reduce the likelihood of the furniture hitting walls or other structures as you try to move it through various spaces. Some pieces of furniture are so large that you will have to tilt it in a way that would cause drawers to slide out, doors to open, or pieces to fall off, so you must either remove those pieces or strap them down. You can use anything that won’t damage the finish of the furniture, like rubber bands.
- Of course, safely lifting heavy furniture usually requires the help of at least one other person, and it is very important that all people involved are working in unison every step of the way. Someone should take the lead and alert every lifter of every action that will need to be taken before it is taken. This means when it is time to lift, when it is time to move, when it is time to rotate the furniture, when it is time to lower the furniture, etc. The leader needs to communicate this so it is done in a coordinated fashion. People acting on their own can get someone hurt or the furniture damaged.
If your back just is not up to it, or if you think that even with these tips moving heavy furniture is still not worth it, then you can take the easiest option and have the experts at Zooz Moving do it for you. Give us a call at 520-447-0900 and let us take care of the rest!