5 Places to Sell Your Old Things Before You Move

Packing for a local Tucson move inevitably makes us question two things: “Why do I have so much stuff, and do I really need it all?”

Moving in Tucson is actually a great time to ask yourself this, and if you plan far enough ahead, a great time to get rid of stuff you don’t need. After all, why go through the effort of packing something only to get rid of it later?  It only takes up Tucson Moving Companies space in their truck and their time.  With that in mind, here are five places you can get rid of your stuff and make extra money:

1. Return It

Granted, most of the items you want to get rid of will be too old to return, but it never hurts to make sure. Tucson local movers agree that oftentimes receipts stay crumpled up in a corner or on a desk longer than we realize, and returning is by far the fastest, simplest, and most economical way of getting rid of items you don’t want anymore.

moving preparation

2. Try Amazon

For items that are relatively small and still in fairly good condition, selling them on Amazon is an excellent option. They’ll fetch a little more than they would on other sites, and when you’re moving every cent is valuable. Just be sure to carve yourself out a little time, as listings on Amazon can take a little longer to sell then on other sites.

online shopping

3. Use Ebay

Ebay is a good option if you’re uncertain about the quality of what you’re trying to get rid of. It’s no longer as easy as it used to be to make a killing on Ebay, but it’s still a strong option for getting a little something out of what you’re getting rid of.

4. Why Not Craigslist?

The edge Craigslist has over other websites is how informal and local it is. For example, unlike Amazon and Ebay, listing furniture is easy on Craigslist, and often buyers will come and pick up what they’ve bought themselves.

5. Host a Garage Sale

The old standby of moving throughout the centuries. Garage sales won’t ever get you the most bang for your buck, but they’re quick and effective at getting things you don’t want off your hands and replacing them with some hard cash in your wallet.

Call the Professionals at Zooz Moving

After you’ve gotten rid of as much as you can, why not have the rest of your move made easy? Here at Zooz Moving, the most professional moving service in Tucson, we’re committed to helping you achieve a safe and stress-free move. Zooz prides themselves as a professional Tucson moving company and on their careful handling of clients belongings; from small objects like a toaster, to larger objects like a Grand Piano. Give us a call at (520) 447-0900 and see how we can help you move!

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